On Friday the new Fulton Stall Market will debut at South Street Seaport. In 16 former fish monger stalls between Fulton and Beekman streets, a veritable bounty of local and specialty foods is promised. There will be Hudson Valley produce, New York wines, artisan cheese, and aptly fresh fish.
The Fulton Market's history is clearly on the mind of the new market's creators. The Fulton Market opened in 1822, selling fish but also produce, dairy products and meats. Fish, of course, became the principal product until the market relocated to Hunts Point in 2005. That the location of one of New York's most historic markets is being repurposed to host one anew is not only an excellent marketing strategy given public interest in local foods, but also a move toward recapturing this tradition and adding life to South Street Seaport. This is a wonderful opportunity for New Yorker's to support regional food systems, but also to eat well.