Photo by The Preservator |
In Athens, GA stands the steeple of St. Mary's Episcopal Church. It just so happens that said church was, at one time, a DIY venue where R.E.M. played it's first gig. Today the steeple is all that remains of the church/venue and its current property owners (a condo association) have voted to demolish rather than restore the steeple. Signs that the times they-are-a-changing? The National Trust's Preservation Magazine covers the story online here. Hmm.
For years communities and advocates have been working to improve the health of the Bronx River. Now, there's more multi-municipal cooperation. Bravo! Jose the Beaver thanks you too! (via NY Daily News)
Over at Rorotoko Elizabeth Collins Cromley breaks down her new book, The Food Axis: Cooking, Eating and the Architecture of American Houses, which contends that the ways in which food is stored/prepared/preserved/consumed has driven domestic architecture and its adaptations over time.
Oh yeah, and Wal-Mart has opted to find a different development sight after years of seeking to build a Supercenter in Orange County, VA on the site of the Wilderness Battlefield, one of the Civil War's most important. The National Trust explains. Reenactors and buffs like yours truly, rejoice.